Yesterday i was grateful to get home safely in spite of heavy traffic.

Today i am looking forward to returning to my routines.

From this morning…

Cardboard santa gnome on a stair railing post. Railing shadows on steps behind.

Lobster trap pyramid Christmas tree in early morning sun.

Side of enamel lobster pot with lobster painted on it.

Illuminated lobster claw and Christmas lights.

Last night I was grateful for the crescent moon on my midnight bathroom run.

Today I am looking forward to traveling home and trying on the new clothes that came while I was gone.

Yesterday i was grateful for a text conversation with my sister and a phone conversation with my mom.

Today i am looking forward to cooking dinner for my wife and her mother.

From this morning…

Sky before dawn. Storm clouds. Hood of a car in foreground.

House in landscape. Storm clouds in distance. Early morning.

Two masted sailboat. Early morning cloudy skies.

Crumpled English muffin foil with pools of butter.

Wild turkeys on edge of forest.

Last night I was grateful for the sturdy cottage that gave us shelter from the storm.

Today I am looking forward to the end of the storm.

… this is a change we haven’t made yet… time to get started…

Eat a plant-based diet…

Raising animals for meat accounts for roughly 20 percent of greenhouse gasses worldwide, due to the impact of feed production and processing, along with the belching of methane by cows, which is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. (Reclaiming the Sacred: Healing Our Relationships with Ourselves and the World by Jeff Golden)

Yesterday I was grateful for time spent with Steve and Diane, and for a news free day.

Today I am looking forward to rain, which is badly needed.

From last night…

Composition of lighted hallway door and light on ceiling, all at a right shifted angle. Makes interesting angular abstract.

From this morning…

Concrete walk step with dashed caution markings on the leading edge.

Closeup of side of granite boulder.

Tiled terrace surface with imbedded boards over raceway leading to thick cables protruding above the surface. Rounded rocks strewn around.

There is a deep connexion between excessively rationalistic thinking and delusion. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)

yesterday i was grateful for time spent with our friends Steve and Diane

today i am looking forward to sharing the island with Steve and Diane

November 18, 2024 - by Heather Cox Richardson

Ramaswamy today posted on social media, “A reasonable formula to fix the U.S. government: Milei-style cuts, on steroids.” He has suggested that cuts are easier than people think. The Washington Post’s Philip Bump noted that on a podcast in September, Ramaswamy said as an example: “If your Social Security number ends in an odd number, you’re out. If it ends in an even number, you’re in. There’s a 50 percent cut right there. Of those who remain, if your Social Security number starts in an even number, you’re in, and if it starts with an odd number, you’re out. Boom. That’s a 75 percent reduction done.”

Yesterday I was grateful for time spent with my wife, mother in law and dogs on beautiful Block Island.

Today I am looking forward to the arrival of our friends, Steve and Diane.

From this morning…

American flag and detritus processed with a gruge filter.

Ocean, clouds and landscape early AM.

Lobster trap Christmas tree.

15 Observations On The New Phase Of Cultural Conflict

i found this really interesting…

Back in 2014, I sketched out a widely-read outline of an alternative interpretation of cultural conflict. Curiously enough, the conceptual tools I used came from a 1929 book from philosopher José Ortega y Gasset entitled The Revolt of the Masses—a work that offers surprisingly timely insights into our current situation.

In a similar vein, Jacob Needleman wrote: ‘Stay with the contradiction. If you stay, you will see that there is always something more than two opposing truths. The whole truth always includes a third part, which is the reconciliation’. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)

From this morning…

Parking lot illuminated with security lights, houses and mountain beyond, mostly in silhouette.

Colorful glass bead chandelier.

Closeup of frost on a black hair wig.

Streetscape with three story brick buildings on right, curb and road markings in the foreground.

Folding chair with floral seat cushion in early morning sun.

From this morning…

Plants and flowers shop illuminated by two paper globe lanterns.

Spaghetti strap dress hanging in shop window.

Wedding dress on display in bridal shop window. Christmas decorations hang from above on either side.

Crumpled sheet of aluminum foil on sidewalk.

Giant inflatable Christmas snowman stuffed against inside of shop window.

From this morning…

Building entry, illuminated by lights from within, green and orange dust tarps to the right.

One story building in final stages of renovation. Scene illuminated by building security lights. Linear shadow from horizontal board above draped over the scene.

Black and white detail image of dust control tarps hung from scaffolding.

Slightly creepy baby doll in window of antique store.

overreacting? | In Opposition

i find myself with a pervasive undercurrent of sadness and fear since the election… i am not a sad or fearful person in general… even in the midst of what may turn out to be one of the worst things to happen in my lifetime, i can manage happiness here and there…

…renewing our passports… not sure where we would go but flexibility is the game here…

from this morning…

Colorful leaves sprinkled on asphalt pavement like confetti.

Concrete block wall closeup, security light in the upper right corner creates a parabolic curve separating lighted from shadow. the end of a ladder juts in from the bottom left side of the frame towards the middle bottom of the frame.

Concrete block wall with square window through which is visible a red lit exit sign.

Street scene with cars and utility poles receding into the center of the frame. The scene is framed by the walls of two buildings on either side.

Streetscape with road curving from lower left corner to right edge of frame and back towards the center. A row of three story buildings follows the curve of the road on the left side.

Metal zombies lunch box in a shop window.

Inflatable Christmas snowmen jammed into a shop display window.

… apparently, the difference between f’d and completely f’d is going to be the backbone of, or lack there of, of the Senate…

yesterday, two strangers chatted me up in my local coffee shop… i found myself being very guarded… this is new to me since the election…

From this morning…

Condensation on a window that has been smudged and dribbles as if a chaotic creature with long dangling tendrils.

Empty white cardboard food carton in a pile of leaves.

Yellow building wall running from left edge into middle of photograph, concrete pad and foundation under construction.

… the price of gas keeps going down… too late, too late…

Sunoco station gas price sign. Cash price for regular gas is $2.89 and credit price is $2.98.