Yesterday i was grateful for the shearing coat i inherited from dad… it was sooo cold!

Today i am looking forward to a relaxed day with a few Christmas prep things to do here and there.

Yesterday i was grateful for all the Christmas lights we have spread around the house and watching more Christmas movies with Holly.

Today i am looking forward to making the Santa run to my Brother and Sister in laws which was postponed by the snow on Friday.

The crazies are crazy, period. They’re not artists or revolutionaries. They’re just insane. Laing and his mental masturbation can’t tell me fuck all about that. The crazies are crazy. Take a look for yourself. And insanity is not art, not in the least, it’s not revolt. They’re poor devils, the insane, the insane are the poorest devils I know. (Rainald Goetz and Adrian Nathan West, Insane)

Yesterday i was grateful for the beauty of falling snow.

Today i am looking forward to continuing to get the house and ourselves ready for Christmas.

The American oligarchy is back, and it’s out of control

Today the great divide is not between left and right. It’s between democracy and oligarchy.

December 19, 2024 - by Heather Cox Richardson

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered,” Paine wrote in that fraught moment, “yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

Yesterday i was grateful for an afternoon of manicures, Christmas shopping, tree decorating and movie watching (White Christmas) with Holly.

Today i am looking forward to snow!

Yesterday i was grateful for an afternoon of “me” time, in which i tried a new burger place for lunch (it was good), did some Christmas shopping and read a good book in a coffee shop.

Today i am looking forward to getting my nails done in a Christmassy orange/red.

Yesterday was emotionally challenging in a number of ways. The day resolved well. I was grateful for the opportunity to grow. I was also grateful for the sci-fi reading group Holly and i started attending last night.

Today i am looking forward to pilates class and continuing with holiday prep.

Yesterday i was grateful for the very good evening Hatha yoga class led by Anne.

Today i am looking forward to lunch with Holly after yoga and swimming.

from this morning…

Side of a house from a second story perspective, light pouring out of a window onto a snow covered roof.

Snow covered drive between two buildings. Shadow of photographer cast onto the snow by streetlights.

Some of the major disasters of mankind have been produced by the narrowness of men with a good methodology. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)

Thinking you know prevents you knowing, since knowing is always a process, not a state, and one that never ends. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)

Yesterday i was grateful for Christmas lights getting hung, Christmas cookies getting baked and the boxing of presents and cookies to send to family.

Today i am looking forward to clearing the little bit of snow that fell and furthering the Christmas preparations.

Yesterday i was grateful for watching the Army-Navy football game with my brother and mother, even though the results were disappointing…

Today i am looking forward to more cookies, more decorating, more Christmas movies…

Yesterday i was grateful for my colleagues at the cemetery and the arrival of my new cashmere sweater dress.

Today i am looking forward to baking more Christmas cookies with Holly and maybe trimming the Christmas tree.

Yesterday i was grateful for coffee with Donna and successful local store Christmas shopping for Holly afterwards.

Today i am looking forward to working with my colleagues at the cemetery and my yoga practice this evening.

My new phone case makes it super easy to accidentally make an image. Or is there a ghost in the machine?

Abstract image with square tube shapes running at a down angle from left to right.

Abstract image with fine brush like texture curving from lower left to upper right.

A few from this morning…

Vintage Christmas statue of child praying in a shop window.

Interior construction of bar countertop with boards on a pair of saw horses.

Concrete foundation forms and rebar illuminated by streetlights.

Yesterday i was grateful for time spent with Holly baking Christmas cookies and listening to Christmas music.

Today i am looking forward to coffee with Donna.

Yesterday I was grateful for the little girl joyously running around the health club.

Today i am looking forward to being cozy in my warm dry home while it rains buckets outside, and, finally?, baking Christmas cookies.

Yesterday i was grateful for my yoga practice with Ann.

Today i am looking forward to the photography salon i co-moderate.

Absolutely love this dress… makes me wish i had a curvaceous womanly body that could show it off to beautiful effect:

Beaded wedding dress in a shop window.

From this morning’s walk…

Construction site trench excavation and footing forms illuminated by street lights.

A pile of silver and red Christmas tree ornaments in a shop window display.

Interior of a new restaurant under construction. Tables and chairs in the foreground, curvilinear bar counter and soffit in background.

Candy cane stripped decorative light snake.

Yesterday i was grateful for Christmas shopping with my wife and good outcomes from my board meeting.

Today i am looking forward to baking Christmas cookies with my wife and watching football with my brother.