Make garbage beautiful again!…

Garbage can overflowing with plastic bottle, aluminum can, and branches of a bush. It almost seems designed to be attractive trash arrangement.

… ah, if only i had the womanly figure to wear this dress!… i think i would have to be a few decades younger too!…

Colorful summer dress in a shop window.

Sculpture by Lori Merhige

A silver rope sculpture running from the second story window of a building into a pile on the grass in the foreground.

A set from yesterday…

Caprisun drink package on concrete sidewalk.

Two interestingly folded napkins lying on concrete sidewalk with joint line running through the frame from right to left, passing below the bottom of the napkins.

Soiled piece of paper with interesting folds and wrinkles lying on asphalt paving.

I love finding random still lifes like this…

Honeydew melons on a metal tray on a table in restaurant window.

Love the colors in this one…

Pink house dress and uranium glass wear display in a shop window.

From last week…

Two orange cones with caution tape strung from a stick inserted in the cone on the right side.

I am excited by Harris as the candidate. Fingers crossed the dems all fall in behind her. We don’t need a power struggle.

Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. (bell hooks, All About Love)

Men theorize about love, but women are more often love’s practitioners. Most men feel that they receive love and therefore know what it feels like to be loved; women often feel we are in a constant state of yearning, wanting love but not receiving it. (bell hooks, All About Love)

The wife likes SciFi, I love RomComs… enter Max and Molly, a SciFi RomCom!:)

… for all it may be a fiction, the machine model has persisted precisely because it has proved a very useful one. That is true enough. But that it can often prove useful does not mean it is true. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)

… this is really about establishing the perimeter of a context in which the useful is true enough… it is when the context is extended that it becomes less and less useful…

Estrangement from the realm of the senses is a direct product of overindulgence, of acquiring too much. This is why living simply is a crucial part of healing. (bell hooks, All About Love)

More than ever before we, as a society, need to renew a commitment to truth telling. Such a commitment is difficult when lying is deemed more acceptable than telling the truth. (bell hooks, All About Love)

… yes, but we appear to be headed in the opposite direction…

I have this sickening feeling that the hubris of Joe Biden and Ruth Bader Ginsburg will combine to become the downfall of Democracy.

I don’t care who the dems nominate. But they need to decide and get focused. I will support whatever they decide to do. But please, decide and get on with it.

Man is unable to see himself entirely unrelated to mankind, neither is he able to see mankind unrelated to life, nor life unrelated to the universe. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man)

… marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get; it’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day. (Jeff Golden, Reclaiming the Sacred)

… walking is a mode of making the world as well as being in it. (Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust)

From this morning’s walk…

Shadow of tree branches and person on storefront window. Window has vertical blinds, which are closed. Chairs and a side table at the bottom of the frame.

Pride colored bead strands in a shop window.

Early morning sun on weeds growing out of a crack between sidewalk and building.

Sky with fair weather clouds and jet trail running from mid lower left to center right.

… i ordered my first maxi dress… i got it on sale too!… can’t wait to try it on…:)

Woman in white linen maxi dress with 3/4 sleeves. Ocean in the background.

… my wife is watching the Republican convention… she’s not a supporter… she just can’t look away… there is nothing i would learn from watching that could make me any more or less determined that 45 not become 47… watching it would just give me agita… off to the local coffee shop…

Judge Canon dismisses classified documents case… it just keeps getting worse and worse…

Also from this morning…

Vegetable detritus on a grass with concrete curb above it and asphalt road surface above that.

Plastic wrapping lying on concrete pavement with crack in concrete running past it from bottom to top of frame.

Cardboard egg carton with space for 30 eggs in the cardboard recycle pile outside a restaurant.

Crumbs from a waffle cone on concrete sidewalk.

Empty green cardboard box with “happiness” written in yellow letters on a red background on the side. The box lies on a concrete sidewalk next to the aluminum saddle of an entry door.

From this morning’s walk…

Ends of two red picnic table seat boards. The boards run from the right edge of the frame about 2/3 of the way across the frame. The upper board is warped upward about an inch.

Stainless steel refrigerated cabinet unit standing next to a garbage can.

White recliner chair surrounded by weeds.

Metal drainage grate with street marking stripes painted onto it, one extending a street crossing line and the other the extension of a line no longer in the scene.

Abstract composition of concrete sidewalk, asphalt paving and manhole cover.