… it is not so much that we speak language, but that language, the storehouse of generations of experience, speaks in us. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)
My belief that God is love—that love is everything, our true destiny—sustains me. (bell hooks, All About Love)
Myths also have this quality, like language itself, that they do not just derive from one mind alone but from a shared consciousness that stretches over time and place, and are not even consciously – cannot be consciously – conceived. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)
… really nice thing happened… as i was walking up the street to my house, a neighbor was driving down the road… he made a point of stopping, rolling down his window, and telling me he thought i was really rocking my outfits lately… hadn’t noticed he’d been noticing… made my day…
The emergence of the “me” culture is a direct response to our nation’s failure to truly actualize the vision of democracy articulated in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. (bell hooks, All About Love)
… you think?…
… this is possibly the most powerful quote i am posting this morning… i think this is something that Trump is extremely good at… throwing out an image (metaphor) and inviting his followers to step into it… this is something I hope the Harris campaign will be extremely good at too… we need metaphor to step into and live…
‘you don’t see something until you have the right metaphor to perceive it’. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)
… i believe he is quoting someone else here, but wow, just wow… so much to unpack in that statement…
It is no accident that feminist struggle has been so easily co-opted to serve the interests of conservative and liberal feminists, since feminism in the United States has so far been a bourgeois ideology. (bell hooks, Feminist Theory)
… a rich day of Readwise highlights…
Awesomely, our nation, like no other in the world, is a culture driven by the quest to love (it’s the theme of our movies, music, literature) even as it offers so little opportunity for us to understand love’s meaning or to know how to realize love in word and deed. (bell hooks, All About Love)
… could this be an awareness of the bankruptcy of the capitalist-patriarchal system without the knowledge of how to correct it?… we pine for love without knowing how to achieve it… without realizing what the problem is…
I see everywhere the dance of masculine and feminine… not to be confused with bodily sex, but that masculine and feminine that must come together to complete the divine whole… the divine needs to be grounded in reality and reality needs the divine to aspire to… is that what the Declaration of Independence is?… the divine feminine guiding light?… and the constitution is the grounding of the divine… the practical masculine of how to… what are the boundaries and the rules?… –Me
Harris/Whitmer… would love to see this after watching reporting suggesting Harris needed a white man on the ticket to placate the patriarchy… in your face patriarchy!…
July 22, 2024 - by Heather Cox Richardson
Money continues to roll in. Since Biden’s announcement, Harris and the Democrats have raised about $250 million in donations and pledges. More than 888,000 were from small-dollar donors. Volunteers are also joining the Harris campaign, which said that more than 28,000 people have signed up to work on the campaign in the day since Biden passed the torch. Today, Beyoncé gave Harris permission to use her song “Freedom” as a campaign song, and TikTok users have jumped on the Harris trend.
… loving the enthusiasm!…
The way to dissolve our resistance to life is to meet it face to face. When we feel resentment because the room is too hot, we could meet the heat and feel its fieriness and its heaviness. When we feel resentment because the room is too cold, we could meet the cold and feel its iciness and its bite. When we want to complain about the rain, we could feel its wetness instead. When we worry because the wind is shaking our windows, we could meet the wind and hear its sound. (Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart)
To maintain and satisfy greed, one must support domination. And the world of domination is always a world without love. (bell hooks, All About Love)
We are dealing with a Gestalt. That is to say the ‘betweenness’ is more important than the ‘things’ we believe we discern within it. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)
With 39-year-old Ohio senator J.D. Vance now their vice presidential nominee, it will be tempting for Republicans to push Trump out of the presidential slot.
Now that would be interesting!
Go Kamala!
Following Biden’s endorsement of Harris, donors contributed more than $46.7 million to Democratic races before 9:00 p.m., and major donors, who had paused donations to Biden, have said they will contribute to Harris’s campaign.
Kamala Harris disrupts the Republican playbook…
The Republicans’ anger reflects that fact that if Biden is off the ticket, they are in yet another pickle. Just last week, the Republicans nominated Donald Trump, who is 78, for president. Having made age their central complaint about Biden, they are now faced with having nominated the oldest candidate in U.S. history, who repeatedly fell asleep at his own nominating convention as well as his criminal trial, who often fumbles words, and who cannot seem to keep a coherent train of thought.
Living life in touch with divine spirit lets us see the light of love in all living beings. (bell hooks, All About Love)
Knowledge can, of course, be the bigger context. … Knowledge can, in and of itself, constitute a context, and once you become a link in the chain of transmission, from one person to another, from one time to another, knowledge becomes meaningful in itself, quite apart from considerations of utility or profit. It’s at the heart of everything. When you talk about human experience, you’re not talking about individual experience, you’re talking about our communal experience, which is passed on, retold, and reexperienced. (Patrik Svensson, The Book of Eels)
Love and abuse cannot coexist. Abuse and neglect are, by definition, the opposites of nurturance and care. (bell hooks, All About Love)