… did the memo go out?…

October 11, 2024 - by Heather Cox Richardson

And yet, in a New York Times/Siena Poll of likely voters released on October 8, 75% of respondents said the economy was fair or poor. Further, although a study by The Guardian showed that Harris’s specific economic policies were more popular than Trump’s in a blind test, 54% of respondents to a Gallup poll released on October 9, thought that Trump would manage the economy better than Harris would.

We drove north into a conservative rural county of New York State today and saw more Harris/Walz yard signs than Trump/Vance. I remember it was other way around 4 years ago. Anecdotal evidence, not scientific, but it was a good sign.

A few from last night and this morning…

Female head mannequin with blond wig on a glass shelf making it look like it is floating in air. Chairs and couch of shop interior beyond.

Back of a brick building illuminated by greenish security light. Picnic table in lower right corner, illuminated windows in a silhouetted building beyond.

Historic building from below, looking up. Scaffolding in front of building in lower right corner. Makes an interesting geometric composition.

Backhoe on street illuminated by street light. Orange traffic cones with yellow caution tape in front of it. Silhouetted building behind it.

Chalk painting of a happy ghost on the sidewalk.

It’s Dahlia season!

Vase of pink dahlias on a table.

A monthly newsletter I put out that includes info on two monthly salons I co-moderate, one of them virtual!


Today’s look…

Trans person headshot. Dark blue thick frame glasses, red-orange lipstick, shoulder length hair, diamond studded headband.

My wife has decided to develop a Halloween movie advent calendar to match my Christmas movie advent calendar… do you have suggestions?

My wife contends that Meet Me in St Louis is a Halloween movie as well as a Christmas movie… what say you?

My wife and i have decided that our Halloween meal will be liver and fava beans with a good chianti…

From this morning…

Small truck, and car illuminated by streetlights, early morning.

So amazing to see two such amazing women as Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris working together to save our country!

When we intentionally strive to make our homes places where we are ready to give and receive love, every object we place there enhances our well-being. (bell hooks, All About Love)

From this morning’s walk…

Shop window with male mannequin and clothing illuminated by shop display lights in early morning. Street and building wall beyond.

From this morning’s walk… more Snapseed processing… passing through Lightroom first…

Two cars in parking lot lit by street light from directly above. Building silhouettes beyond.

Close up of contemporary table and chair set, white, curving lines.

Car illuminated by street light from above. Silhouette of mountains beyond.

looking up at Mobil sign, framed by building on right, tree in upper left corner. Sky and building silhouettes beyond.

This morning’s look… more playing around with processing in Snapseed…

Headshot of trans person wearing a diamond pattern, multi colored head band, raspberry knit top, multicolored resin bead necklace and thick framed blue glasses.

From this morning’s walk… played around with SnapSeed for editing… really like what SnapSeed can do, except it is buggy dealing with RAW files…

Decorative plastic goose illuminated from within. Displayed in a shop window.

Women’s clothing in a vintage clothing store shop window.

Side of old van, looking towards rear of van. Illuminated by street lights.

Zero, the ghost dog halloween decoration from Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas.

I swear matching the color of our new car wasn’t a consideration when i chose this nail polish color…

Hand with nails painted red on side of red car. The reds appear to match.

This actually gives me a bit of hope about the political situation… the idea that union and division need each other suggests if not blown apart, union will move in to displace the division with cooperation…

Hegel made the important point that sameness and difference, unity and division, have themselves to be unified; this seems to me from experience clearly right. Note this suggests the ultimate priority of the principle of union over that of division, despite the necessary part played by division at one stage of the process. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)

From this morning’s walk…

Two golden colored leaves on concrete sidewalk. There is wetness cutting across the upper left corner which has shifted color of concrete to blue.

Mirror ball sparkling with illumination hanging in a shop window. Corner of a pink pillow at lower left of frame.

Gauzy neglige hanging in shop window.

Tree planting well with tree trunk and circle of bricks around trunk. Illuminated from the left side by car lights.

Latest addition to every day mandala series…

Mirror ball with almost black background.

Greed is rightly considered a “deadly sin” because it erodes the moral values that encourage us to care for the common good. Greed violates the spirit of connectedness and community that is natural to human survival. It wipes out individual recognition of the needs and concerns of everyone, replacing this awareness with harmful self-centeredness. Healthy narcissism (the self-acceptance, self-worth, that is the cornerstone of self-love) is replaced by a pathological narcissism (wherein only the self matters) that justifies any action that enables the satisfying of desires. (bell hooks, All About Love)

The will to sacrifice on behalf of another, always present when there is love, is annihilated by greed. (bell hooks, All About Love)

… when we are deeply imbedded in an economic system that is all about greed and exploitation, does love stand a chance?…

However, emotion is a critical part of our capacity to comprehend the world at all, the ability to understand and interact with other living beings. Without it we are foolish, however much we may know, and we are only alive in a diminished sense of the word. (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things)

Curiosity as an Instrument of Love: Thoreau and the Little Owl – The Marginalian

It is only when we cede emotional attachment that we can be truly free from judgment, for all judgment is feeling — usually some species of fear — masquerading as thought. And when we judge, we cannot understand. True curiosity is therefore a form of love, because, as the great Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh so plainly and poignantly put it, “understanding is love’s other name.”

… it took a long time for me to have the courage to go bold with my lipstick…

Headshot of caucasian man with black headband, green thick crystal frame glasses and orange red lipstick.