Choosing Among Immoralities

Do you have access to wealth and the creation of more of it? Or must you sell your time, your body, and your labor for even the minimal means of your survival? (Rhyd Wildermuth, Here Be Monsters)

… i have been thinking about the morality of being an American, with a middle to upper middle class level of wealth and consumption and, therefore, responsibility for global oppression structures and destruction of the planet… liberal friends who are certain that Donald Trump is evil, might sit out the vote in November because it would be immoral to support Vice President Harris… in their minds, she shares responsibility with President Biden for failing to force Israel to stop it’s Palestinian genocide… this is a luxury they will permit themselves because they live in a state that will reliably vote Democrat and send all its electoral college votes to Harris/Walz… in the meantime they live a comfortable upper middle class existence in America and don’t much question its impact on the globe and its peoples… they also don’t see the importance of making sure Donald Trump is defeated, not narrowly, but massively at every level… what should i say to them?… or do they have an argument i should listen to?…