… storms passed through last night… rain only, not the possible severe thunderstorms warned… i tended to the chickens early and was proud of myself for doing that… having a weather app with radar imaging of approaching storms is amazing…
… no further developments on H health scare… no further possible symptoms… doctoring to be lined up this coming week…
… i received The Journals of Denton Welch yesterday… will begin reading upon completion of Modern Nature… i enjoy having an eclectic reading list… at least i think it is eclectic…
… began setting up herbs to dry… a large amount of sage yesterday… i will try to do some tarragon and maybe a little rosemary and time, though i’d like to see if the rosemary can be overwintered… i read about overwintering rosemary… it can be done in zone 7 and above… becomes a more dicy proposition in zone 6… there are varieties of rosemary that are tougher… i don’t know what variety i have… you need a dry sunny place… you can get frost blankets to put over them… i may try that… not too expensive… i look up our zone… on the border between zone 6 and 7… that seems promising assuming my rosemary is a hardy variety… i bought it at a local nursery, so it might be… i am thinking we will concentrate the planter tanks on herbs and tomatoes… maybe some onions and leeks… that was pretty successful…
… walk, breakfast, farmer’s market, family meeting… the order of the day… skin doctor this week, also gastroenterologist, getting caught up on doctoring… next up will be ophthalmologist and cardiologist… then annual check in with primary care doctor… then all set for the winter?… oh, flu shot and COVID vaccine booster shot… then we are good for the winter…