… up on the early side… crickets chirping away…
… i am empty in the thoughts department…
… D and E coming to diner tonight… will spend much of the day cleaning, shopping and cooking… don’t know that there will be much help from H…
… my photographs received well at Salon last night… somewhat the response i was looking for… i think they will be useful in constructing a narrative… now i have to figure out what that narrative is… it might be a BI but not BI narrative… that is, only photos from BI, but i will construct a narrative aimed at a mythical island presence…
… to me, the photographs depict a harsh desert like landscape… of course, turn 180 degrees and there is the sea… perhaps that is part of it… desert island in the middle of the ocean… the landscapes are lonely, forbidding, primal…
… i mentioned they were all taken with iPhone… the iPhone camera is revolutionizing my photography work i told them… i think it probably more accurate to say it is revolutionizing my equipment bag… one can do a lot with an iPhone and consequently travel light… it has been the only camera i have brought with me to BI for several trips now… and the technology updates and improves continuously… every two years new and better…
… multi-tone train horn in the distance… freight train moving down the western side of the Hudson…
… i have a bunch of camera equipment that was D’s… i wanted it… some of it is film… i have an idea about making pictures with it that are somehow nostalgic in nature… playing with them for specific effects… i need to get them up and running and see what i have… they are mostly dinosaurs in the photographic equipment cosmos… i am expecting each one to have particular image characteristics that can be deployed for particular effects…