… slept well, slept in, slightly… Chas a little sluggish this AM… coffee, dogs, garbage, birds singing loudly…

… a productive day yesterday, many of the physical labor things done before the heat arrives…

… getting the hose bibs fixed today or tomorrow, need some more components to get the watering system set up and easy to use… i wonder if i can get the back stairs repaired before we go…

… mostly we need to gather what needs gathering before we go…

… i read twelve more Basho Haiku… frozen moments of universality, some more consequential than others… the best are the least consequential to human affairs… very few human beings really know what is important…

… yesterday, Biden telling the public he is powerless to do much about voting rights, two moderate Democratic Senators hold the power, so far, they refuse to act… last night, Joy Reed, talking about one of them, said they must be ok with what Republicans are doing, it’s not that she doesn’t understand it… today, H an i will cast an absentee ballot in a very minor race for judge in Beacon… a primary race, not sure it isn’t the only race on the ballot…

… feeling comfortable that we are on tract to leave next Tuesday…